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अभिनेता अर्जुन रामपाल जुड़ रहे हैं डिस्कवरी चैनल के साथ


Actor Arjun Rampal Associates With Discovery Channel

नई दिल्ली, March 13, 2015 /PRNewswire/ --

मुलाकात कीजिए टेलीविजन के असली नायकों से डिस्कवरी रियल हीरोज़ में

Actor Arjun Rampal Associates With Discovery Channelडिस्कवरी चैनल के प्रतिभावान नायक डिस्कवरी रियल हीरोज हैरत में डालने वाले कारनामे पेश हैं, और ये जोशीले पुरूष सहनशक्ति, सरवाइवल और एडवैंचर की सीमाओं का विस्तार करेंगे। मार्च माह में डिस्कवरी रियल हीरोज़ में कुछ बेहद मुश्किल इलाकों पर जीत हासिल करने की कोशिशें दिखाई जाएंगी और ये भी दिखाया जाएगा कि किस तरह बेहद दुरूह अवस्थाओं में जिन्दा रहा जाए।

(Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20150313/10118317 )
बाॅलीवुड के जाने-माने अभिनेता अर्जुन रामपाल डिस्कवरी चैनल के साथ सम्बद्ध हो गए हैं ताकि इन चैम्पियनों के रोमांचक एडवैंचरों को टेलीविजन की स्क्रीन पर पेश कर सकें।
डिस्कवरी रियल हीरोज कार्यक्रम में दर्शक कुछ बेहद चुनौतीपूर्ण अभियानों पर रवाना होंगे। डिस्कवरी चैनल के जाने-माने एक्स्पर्ट - बेअर ग्रिल्स, लैस स्ट्राउड, माइक हाॅक, डेव कैंटरबरी और कोडी लंडीन दर्शकों को बेहद अप्रिय और मुश्किल भरे इलाकों में ले जाकर यह दिखाएंगे कि इन दुरूह और प्राणघाती पर्यावासों में कैसे जिन्दा बचा जाए। वाइल्डलाइफ प्रैजैन्टर नाइजिल माॅर्विन और आॅस्टिन स्टीवन अपनी जान जोखिम में डालकर दुनिया के कुछ सबसे दिलचस्प और कभी-कभी गलतफहमी के शिकार जीवों का भी सामना करेंगे। चाहे गुरूत्व को शिकस्त देने वाली जम्पिंग हो, हैरतअंगेज आइस डाइविंग या फिर बियाबान में जिन्दा बचना, ये नायक कुछ बेहद कमाल के कारनामे दर्शकों के लिए पेश करने वाले हैं।
राहुल जौहरी, ई वी पी और जी एम - साउथ एशिया एंड साउथ ईस्ट एशिया, डिस्कवरी नैटवक्र्स - एशिया-पैसिफि़क ने कहा, 'डिस्कवरी रियल हीरोज़ कार्यक्रम में दर्शक बेरहम बियाबान को बेहद जोशीले स्वरूप में चुनौती देने वाली, और हिम्मत बंधाने वाली यात्राओं को देखेंगे और ये असली जीवन और पर्दे पर नजर आने वाली जिन्दगी, दोनों की ही जीवट भरी मिसालंे हैं। टेलीविजन पर दर्शक रात 10 बजे ऐसे प्रतिभावान पुरूषों से मुलाकात करेंगे जो न केवल प्रेरित करेंगे बल्कि यह भी दिखाएंगे कि किस तरह सही महारतों और अनोखी सोच के जरिये आप दुनिया के दूरदराज हिस्सों में भी जिंदा रह सकते हैं।'
डिस्कवरी रियल हीरोज़ की यात्रा मैन वर्सेज़ वाइल्ड के साथ शुरू होगी। यह भारतीय टेलीविजन पर दिखाए जाने वाले सबसे लोकप्रिय एडवैंचरों में से एक है, और इसमें बेअर ग्रिल्स दुनिया के कुछ सबसे मुश्किल भूप्रदेशों की चुनौती स्वीकारेंगे। वे गरज भरे तूफानों का पीछा करेंगे, आग उगलते ज्वालामुखियों से बच कर निकलेंगे और बेहद प्राणघाती जीवों को खाएंगे। इन अत्यंत मुश्किल अवस्थाओं के दौरान वे जिंदा रहने से जुड़ी कुछ मूल्यवान रणनीतियों को भी दर्शकों के साथ बांटते चलेंगे।
दर्शक सरवाइवरमैन में लैस स्ट्राउड के साथ चलेंगे जो बेहद मुश्किल बियाबान वाले परिवेशों से होकर यात्रा करते हैं और एकदम मामूली आहार के बल पर जिंदा रहते हैं जबकि उनके पास न पानी होता है, और न कोई अन्य सामान, न सुरक्षा और न ही कोई कैमरा क्रू। पूर्व स्पैशल फोर्सेज सरवाइवल एक्सपर्ट माइक हाॅक और उनकी टेलीविजन प्रेजेन्टर पत्नी रूथ, दुनिया की कुछ सबसे मुश्किल और दूरदराज लोकेशनों की चुनौती स्वीकारते हैं। ये दोनों मैन वुमन वाइल्ड कार्यक्रम के प्रेजेन्टर रह चुके हैं और ये केवल एक ही चीज की मदद से जिंदा रहने की कोशिश करते हैं। ये है एक चाकू।
इस सप्ताह में दर्शकों के लिए और ज्यादा एक्शन मौजूद रहेगा, क्योंकि बेअर ग्रिल्स अपनी नई श्रृंखला रनिंग वाइल्ड में जैक एफराॅन, चैनिंग टेटम, बैन स्टिलर, टाॅम आर्नल्ड, टैमराॅन हाॅल और डिआॅन सैंडर्स जैसी चोटी की हस्तियों को अपनी जिन्दगी के सबसे मुश्किल एडवैंचर करते देखेंगे। सेना में प्रशिक्षित जो टेटाई और प्रकृतिविद् कोडी लंडीन डुअल सरवाइवल कार्यक्रम में प्रकृति के बेरहम तत्वों के साथ जूझ कर जिंदा रहने की लड़ाई पेश करेंगे।
सप्ताहांत रोमांच और हैरत से भरे रहेंगे क्योंकि नाइजल माॅर्विन दुनिया की अलग-अलग जगहों में टैन डैडलिएस्ट स्नेक्स कार्यक्रम में सबसे खतरनाक सांपों को ढूंढ़ रहे हैं। आई शुडनाॅट बी अलाइव कार्यक्रम में असली जीवन से जुड़ी स्थितियां पेश की जाएंगी जिनमें इन अवस्थाओं में जिंदा बचे लोग मृत्यु से अपने बेहद करीबी अनुभवों के बारे में बताते हैं।
चाहे गुरूत्व को मात देने वाली बेस जम्पिंग हो, हैरतअंगेज आइस डाइविंग या बियाबान में जिंदा बचना, ये नायक दर्शकों के लिए हैरत में डालने वाले कारनामे पेश करने जा रहे हैं। उनके एक्शन को आप देख पाएंगे हर रात 10 बजे डिस्कवरी रियल हीरोज़ में।
डिस्कवरी चैनल के बारे में
डिस्कवरी चैनल, डिस्कवरी कम्यूनिकेशन्स का प्रमुख नैटवर्क है, यह दुनिया में पे-टीवी कार्यक्रमों की उच्चतम गुणवत्ता कायम रखने के लिए समर्पित है और टेलीविजन पर सबसे क्रियाशील नैटवर्कों में से एक बना हुआ है। डिस्कवरी चैनल का शुभारंभ 1985 में हुआ था और अब यह एशिया-पैसिफि़क में 20 करोड़ 60 लाख सबस्क्राइबरों तक पहुंचता है। यह दर्शकों को अनेक विषयों पर उच्च गुणवत्ता वाले गैर-कथात्मक कार्यक्रम दिखाता है, इनमें प्रकृति, विज्ञान और टैक्नाॅलाॅजी, प्राचीन और समकालीन इतिहास, एडवैंचर, सांस्कृतिक और विषय-आधारित वृत्तचित्र शामिल हैं।

और अधिक जानकारी के लिए कृपया सम्पर्क करें:`
रूचिका टंडन
डिस्कवरी कम्यूनिकेशन्स इंडिया

SOURCE Discovery Channel

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Laxmi Opticals Introduces Selfie stations at its stores



We all love clicking Selfies, Don’t we??


10292552_926633767370735_7165980592549240690_nWell, keeping this in mind Laxmi Opticals in Delhi has come up with the concept of having Selfie Stations at their stores.. They are the first Chain of Optical Stores to start something like this.. Their Selfie Stations have a wide variety of exciting props like funky oversized sunglasses, moustaches, Party hats etc.


They are a 65 Year old company but they refuse to grow old.. On being interviewed Mr Sandeep Pahwa (The owner of Laxmi Opticals) said that they are still young at heart.. They want to be fun and exciting for their customers and have always tried to do things differently.


On Christmas for example, instead of using carry bags they packed kids wear in christmas stockings. They had also decorated their store in a festive manner to make it fun for their young clients.


Infact when Laxmi Opticals started with the expansion (2005), they had a Grand Openning wherein Mr Aditya Pancholi was the guest of honour for the ribbon cutting ceremony. Followed by a Fashion Show at Shangri La Hotel, Delhi which was organized by Mr Marc Robbinson ( A Famous Beauty Pageant Director & Fashion Director ) and Deepika Padukone was the show stopper.


Laxmi Opticals has always tried to do something exciting and Selfie station is yet another initatives taken by them to engage their customers.


“We hope our customers enjoy it.. We are open to suggestions, help us serve you better. It’s always a pleasure serving you, on behalf of the entire team of Laxmi Opticals”

- Sandeep Pahwa


So, the next time you are hanging out with your pals at a mall, drop in at Laxmi Opticals to have a click..


P.S. You can drop in for a click even if you are not in the mood to shop.. It’s Free and it has been designed only for you! :)

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Mafatlal Industries Limited Served Legal Notice to 300 Fabric Manufacturers/Distributors/Dealers for Misuse of Mafatlal Trademarks and Logos

USIBC Hails Passage of Long-Awaited Insurance Reform

Quote from Mr. Munish Sharda, Managing Director & CEO, Future Generali Life Insurance on the Insurance Bill




4223_GeneralComments from Mr. Munish Sharda, Managing Director & CEO, Future Generali Life Insurance on the Insurance Bill


  • Passing the insurance amendment bill is truly a positive step forward and the first major economic reform in recent times and Future Generali welcomes this move.


  • This bill will not only enable long term development but also facilitate the reforms agenda and drive economic growth and long term funding to Indian infrastructure projects.


  • The insurance bill will give more powers to the regulator which will enable them not only to regulate better but also empower them to make decisions in the favour of long term development of the industry. We also believe this bill will be beneficial for policyholders and help in increasing penetration of insurance in the under-penetrated Indian market.


  • We believe increase in FDI will enable further product innovation, enhanced customer engagement and service delivery, highest standards of corporate governance norms.


  • Our shareholders stand committed towards long term development and success of the life and general insurance businesses, and Generali will increase its stake in the JVs in line with the regulations and post discussions with the JV partners.


Media Contact Details
Gitika Sharan
+91 9769407137

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Quote from Mr. K. G. Krishnamoorthy Rao, MD & CEO, Future Generali India Insurance Company Limited on the Insurance Bill

India Amino Acids Market to peg at USD471 Million in 2020, Finds TechSci Research


New Age TechSci Research Logo

BURNABY, Canada, March 13, 2015 /PRNewswire/ --

Rising Demand for Compound Feed in Poultry Sector, Increasing Penetration in Niche Applications and Growing Sophistication in Animal Farming Driving Amino Acids Market inIndia

New Age TechSci Research LogoAccording to the recently published TechSci Research report "India Amino Acids Market Forecast & Opportunities, 2020", the amino acids market in India is projected to account for revenues worth USD471 million in 2020. The market is propelled by growth in domestic compound feed industry, which grew at a CAGR of 7.1% during 2010-14. Containing both carboxyl and amino group, amino acids are synthesized inside human and animal body, yet a few amino acids cannot be produced inside the body and are known asessential amino acids.

(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20140117/663730)

In India, amino acids find major application in compound feed market for broiler and cattle feed. Due to integrated farming and industrialization in poultry farms, the need for high end compound feed containing sophisticated feed ingredients has been witnessing an increase over the last few years. These high quality amino acids along with other feed ingredients are expected to increase the productivity of poultry in order to fulfill both domestic and export demand for broiler meat.

Growing use of amino acids in other application areas such as dietary supplements, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics is also driving the market for amino acids in the country. However, the quantity of consumption in these application areas is very limited. Methionine is currently the largest revenue contributor in India amino acid market, attributed to its higher price pointsand growing use in feed grade amino acids for compound feed products.

The report also reveals that Southern region of India generates highest revenue for amino acids on account of large number of poultry farms located in southern states. The poultry sector is also witnessing various initiatives by state governments in the form of subsidies and loans to upcoming poultry farms. This, in turn, is also driving the consumption of amino acids in India.

"India's broiler feed market grew at a CAGR of 9.3% over 2010-14 and is expected to further propel the market for feed grade amino acids in the country. India, being the largest dairy market, holds considerable potential for amino acids for use in animal feeds as ruminants over the coming years", said Mr. Karan Chechi, Research Director, with TechSci Research, a research based global management consulting firm.

"India Amino AcidsMarket Forecast & Opportunities, 2020" has analyzed the potential of amino acids market and provides statistics and information on market sizes, shares and trends. The report will suffice in providing the intending clients with cutting-edge market intelligence and help them in taking sound investment decisions. Besides, the report also identifies and analyzes the emerging trends along with essential drivers and key challenges faced by the industry.

About TechSci Research

TechSci Research is a global market research and consulting company with offices in Canada, UK and India. TechSci Research provides market research consulting services in six verticals - Information Technology, Chemicals, Water & Water Recycling, Consumer Goods & Retail, Automotive and Energy & Power. The company uses proprietary innovative business model that focuses on improved productivity that also ensure the creation of high-quality reports. With more than 100 client engagements with fortune 500 clients, TechSci Research enjoys the status of a premium market research services provider in the industry.

Media Contact

Ken Mathews
Sales & Marketing Consultant
Contact Phone- +1 646 360 1656
E-mail- ken.mathews@techsciresearch.com

SOURCE TechSci Research

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Wadhwani Foundation and National Entrepreneurship Network Organize a First of its Kind ‘Entrepreneurship Education Conclave’


USIBC Hails Passage of Long-Awaited Insurance Reform

Wadhwani Foundation and National Entrepreneurship Network Organize a First of its Kind ‘Entrepreneurship Education Conclave’


USIBC Hails Passage of Long-Awaited Insurance Reform

Mafatlal Industries Limited Served Legal Notice to 300 Fabric Manufacturers/Distributors/Dealers for Misuse of Mafatlal Trademarks and Logos

Pershing Square Holdings, Ltd. Releases Regular Weekly Net Asset Value as of 10 March 2015

glispa Receives Strategic Investment from Market Tech Holdings Accelerating Global Growth for Mobile Advertising Leader



- Market Tech Holdings' Portfolio of Technology and Real Estate Combined with glispa's Mobile Advertising Reach Opens New Markets for Global Brands

BERLIN, SAN FRANCISCO and LONDON, March 16, 2015/PRNewswire/ -- glispa, the high performance digital marketing and mobile advertising pioneer, today announced that it has secured a deal worth $77M USD from Market Tech Holdings (LON: MKT) who is acquiring a majority stake in the company. The Market Tech group has a market cap of $1.4B USD.

Photo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20150316/181867

Logo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20150316/181868LOGO

With this investment, glispa will continue to focus on opening additional offices and expanding its global footprint, bolstering its proprietary advertising and optimization technology, attracting top talent and adding engineering as well as client focused staff. Furthermore, the newly formed glispa Global Group will look at acquiring the most talented adtech teams and technologies to enhance the value proposition specifically within the mCommerce market.

glispa complements Market Tech's strategic portfolio of both ecommerce and technology companies. glispa will play a key role within Market Tech's digital strategy by becoming a full service solution provider for its own brands along with both current and future retailers. Market Tech recognizes glispa's growing global strength in mCommerce, which analyst firm Digi-Capital expects to will be the dominant business model creating over $516 billion in sales and driving more than 70 percent of all mobile internet revenue by 2017.

glispa is known for helping the world's top mobile advertisers across industries like mCommerce, gaming, travel, as well as utilities/productivity reach billions of people on mobile devices in the burgeoning worldwide mobile advertising market. According to eMarketer, the worldwide mobile ad market will grow to nearly $65 billion in 2015, up over 60 percent from 2014. That figure will reach $158.55 billion by 2018, when mobile ads will account for 22.3% of all advertising spending worldwide.

glispa maintains an international reach of about one billion active mobile users and serves over 400 billion ad impressions monthly. The world's largest mobile brands, including Alibaba, Amazon, Flipkart, Gilt Group, OLX, Baidu, Hasbro, Zynga and Gumi, rely on glispa's global impact and dedicated, multicultural teams to expand their business and accelerate growth around the world.

"This strategic investment helps us in realizing our vision – to help people discover brands and products that enrich and empower their lives through mobile advertising," said glispa Founder and CEO, Gary Lin. "With the Market Tech portfolio strength and the strategic investment, we're now even more capable of providing advertisers our unprecedented global reach, technology innovations, and our stellar team, who are focused on helping clients reach their growth objectives."

"glispa's market-leading technologies and team will add significant value to our business and I want to start by welcoming glispa to Market Tech group, " said Charles Butler, chief executive of Market Tech. "We see the future of online retail being via mobile devices and glispa's proprietary technologies are at the cutting edge of m-commerce, helping businesses interact with their customers on-the-go. "

About glispa
glispa is a high performance digital marketing pioneer empowering our clients to activate global audiences and move markets. Providing a full suite of services - gBoost, gPerform, gNative and Media Services - glispa partners with global advertisers helping them reach user acquisition and monetization goals. glispa was recently awarded the prestigious Deloitte Technology Fast 50TM for technical innovation and entrepreneurialism reaching 740.9% organic fiscal year revenue growth from 2009 to 2013. Headquartered in Berlin with offices in Beijing, Bangalore, San Francisco and Sao Paulo glispa employs a multinational team representing 39 nationalities speaking 24 languages. To get started with glispa, connect with us: http://www.glispa.com.

About Market Tech Holdings
Market Tech combines the iconic Camden Market real estate assets with an e-commerce business operated through an online platform called market.com. Its real estate assets business is focused on retail, leisure and entertainment. The Company owns approximately 11 acres of real estate assets in Camden, including the Stables Market; Union Street Market, (also known asBuck Street Market); Camden Lock Market; and Hawley Wharf, (also known as Camden Lock Village). The Company also owns separate real estate assets on Camden High Street; Kentish Town Road; properties on Jamestown Road, (including the Camden Wharf Building); and The Interchange Building on Oval Road. www.market-tech.com


SOURCE glispa



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Surpassing 100 Million Users, APUS Becomes Youngest Company in Top 10 Global Developers

JA Solar Supplies Modules Again to First Large-Scale Solar Farm in Central America

The United Nations And MixRadio To Celebrate International Day Of Happiness


MixRadio Music Streaming Service Logo

NEW YORK, March 16, 2015/PRNewswire/ -- Today, a host of superstars have teamed up with the United Nations and the world's most personalised music streaming service, MixRadio, to launch the #HappySoundsLike campaign to mark International Day of Happiness.

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Photo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20150311/181047
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Music has the power to spread happiness and inspire solidarity and hope for a better tomorrow. Recognizing this, United Nations Messengers of Peace and Goodwill Ambassadors, along with international artists such as Ed Sheeran, David Guetta, John Legend and James Blunt, amongst others, have contributed to create the world's happiest playlist, launching onMarch 20th, International Day of Happiness.

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said, "The United Nations is happy to be partnering with MixRadio to raise awareness of the International Day of Happiness. On this day we are using the universal language of music to show solidarity with the millions of people around the world suffering from poverty, human rights abuses, humanitarian crises and the effects of environmental degradation and climate change." Ban designated Wonder a UN Messenger of Peace in 2010 to advocate on behalf of persons with disabilities worldwide, and nominated his "Signed Sealed Delivered" to the playlist."

Fronted by singer/songwriter Cody Simpson, the weeklong #HappySoundsLike campaign will reach a high note at the end of this week with an inspirational, international playlist created by artists, and thoughtful listeners worldwide.

Music fans can post the song that makes them the happiest with the hashtag #HappySoundsLike. On Friday March 20th, Cody Simpson will spotlight five track submissions to be included within the official playlist.

Cody Simpson, comments, "I am really pleased to be part of such an amazing campaign to raise awareness of International Day of Happiness.

"I hope everyone gets behind the day and shares the track that makes them happiest! I will be choosing five tracks the general public suggest to be part of the official playlist, #HappySoundsLike, launching on Friday 20th March for you to all listen to."

Jyrki Rosenberg, Head of MixRadio, said, "This year, to celebrate and raise awareness of International Day of Happiness, MixRadio is privileged to have partnered with the United Nations.

"We hope the general public follow in the steps of the host of global stars and share the track that makes them happiest. OnMarch 20, #HappySoundsLike will launch and we hope it brings a smile to faces around the world."

Established by the United Nations General Assembly in 2012, International Day of Happiness acknowledges that "the pursuit of happiness is a fundamental human goal". In its 70thanniversary year, the UN will be undertaking several campaigns to help achieve this goal.

The campaign officially launches with the release of a global video, featuring a host of the stars singing along to raise awareness of the campaign.

Watch the video at www.happysoundslike.com.





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Amelioration of Existing Infrastructure to Augment Intelligent Emergency Response Systems Demand With a 10% Growth Rate



HYDERABAD, India, March 16, 2015 /PRNewswire/ --

Intelligent emergency response systems are the devices that are used to communicate in times of emergency that can arise out due to several factors such as natural disaster, terrorist attacks, anthropogenic hazard and many others. In such conditions, the civilians, government authorities and medical teams are alerted through various emergency response devices in order to curb the disruption on human life.

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IndustryARCThe market for Intelligent Emergency Response System has been divided into broadcasting and communication systems, perimeter intrusion detector, and signage and surveillance systems. Video Surveillance is the dominant market with a total market size of $23 billion in 2014. Broadcast systems are the fastest growing market with a market size of $7.4 billion in 2014 and estimated to grow at a CAGR of 13.5% through 2020. According to a recent study from IndustryARC the total market for these systems to increase to $130.5bn by 2020 at a CAGR of 10.1%.

There has been a growing shift to replace existing infrastructure and systems with new state of the art systems. New standards have been adopted in order to enhance emergency response, especially in the U.S and Europe. The U.K government passed regulations to replace existing emergency services network, provided by Airwave, with improved broadcast and communication systems when the contract runs out in 2016. The European Union has also passed laws to shift to newer systems particularly for disaster communications. The primary concern for current systems is the lack of redundancy of system components in case of natural disasters, terrorist attacks and other unforeseen circumstances. These regulations, according to experts, will be adopted throughout Europe and U.S over the next few years, thus creating a strong demand for intelligent emergency response systems in the coming years.

Table of contents and insights:


The coal mining industry has been prominent users of emergency response systems for decades. Coal has been a notable source of energy for creating power in the thermal plants. But the mining of coal has been counted as the most life risking activity due to the unpredictable operating conditions. Due to high number of causalities associated with mining, the governments across the world have formulated stringent regulations to ensure the safety and health of the workers employed in mining sector. This has called for the need to integrate emergency response systems by the mine operators to provide a safe working environment to workers.

Defense is the biggest market for IRSI systems, accounting for 43% of the market currently. Residential segment accounts for only 2% but is estimated to be the fastest growing end user segment. The growth of this market is primarily due to increased demand and awareness, particularly in APAC region as well as improving economy.

Americas is the largest market for Intelligent Emergency Response systems followed by Europe. The lower growth opportunities in this market when compared with APAC as well as high adoption of these systems in the defense segment impede the Intelligent Emergency Response systems market growth in Americas. The continued effects of recession in Europe are projected to be a major hindrance for market growth in Europe. The APAC region is the fastest growing market through 2020 driven by improved economic conditions as well as growing awareness of these systems. TOA Corporation, UNI-PEX Co.,Ltd, Denyo Co., Ltd, Kubota, Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd, ISHIDA TAISEISHA, Inc, Optex, TAMRON are some of the major players across the emergency response systems portfolio in Japan.

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The key players in the global market include Honeywell, Axis, Bosch, Siemens, Alcatel-Lucent and Vodafone Group. These companies account for a significant share of the total Intelligent Emergency Response systems market. Major manufacturers have utilized mergers and acquisitions as well as product launches to augment entry into related markets and enhance core competencies through additions to product portfolio as well as leveraging capabilities of acquired companies to gain a foothold in high growth markets.

Related Reports:

Medical Alerts: http://industryarc.com/Report/98/medical-alert-devices-market.html

Nurse Call Systems: http://industryarc.com/Report/1312/Nurse-Call-Systems-Market-Analysis-Report.html

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IndustryARC is a research and consulting firm that publishes more than 20 reports every month in various industries, such as Agriculture, Automotive, Automation & Instrumentation, Chemicals and Materials, Energy and Power, Electronics, Food & Beverages, Information Technology, Life sciences & Healthcare. Contact us to find out how we can help you today.

Sanjay Matthews
Business Development Manager
Email: sanjay.matthews@industryarc.com 
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The post Amelioration of Existing Infrastructure to Augment Intelligent Emergency Response Systems Demand With a 10% Growth Rate appeared first on NewsPr.

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